
Ha! Thanks...

I thought you’d like it.

‘I’m frightened Auntie Em’

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Jan 30, 2023Liked by Susannah Elizabeth

Wowwwwww!! I’m so amazed at how your art captures the beauty in the grotesque. Love love love! ❤️🍒

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Thank you! I really appreciate that!

Gotta invite both to the party… Especially if one’s a hag (all kinds of ugly goes down if she doesn’t get invited)

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Jan 29, 2023Liked by Susannah Elizabeth

So pleased to see you here! Love this

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Thank you so much 🖤🖤🖤

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Jan 29, 2023Liked by Susannah Elizabeth

I’ve never loved hags as much as I do now, especially baba yaga!

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